Mr. Babu Kaji KC


Mr. Babu Kaji KC

Babu Kaji K.C  a  logical, passionate, adaptable and highly motivated individual has brought with himself around 8 years of service in  SOF Unit of Nepal army (Ranger Battalion) gaining immense military experience particularly in Special Forces Operations, Tactical Combat Casualty Care, Marksmanship, Unarmed Combat, CQB Weapons, Mountaineering, Disaster Risk Managemnet and Analysis, Search and Rescue Operations, Joint Combined Exercise Training with US ARMY (Balance Nail). 

He served  as a team leader in Spear squadron, trained in Ghatak commando, India and  served in UNAMID (North Sudan) as a reserve force company.

A  Highly trained individual of elite force also has been in a role of  assisting, planning, advising  in National Human Right Commission, Nepal for 2 years as a Security Chief and has immense knowledge in security policies and management , security risk assessment , training, crisis management and assist operations. 

He is a graduate in  Political Science from Tribhuvwan  University, Nepal.

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